Can a portfolio based on A.I.-generated art be accepted into an art school or gallery? To explore the potential of A.I. in the art world, a series of illustrations were created using DALL-E and Midjourney. The series was presented as the work of a fictional artist, utilizing abstract figures, rich colors, and festive scenes to make the collages visually appealing.
As an experiment, the series was submitted to various art academies and institutes under the pseudonym "Ethan Strutted", a fabricated persona complete with a bio, motivation letters, and artist statement written using AI text generators. Out of the four art schools the portfolio was submitted to, the A.I.-generated artist was accepted by three.
This experiment raises important questions about the future of A.I. in art and how it may shape the industry. It also highlights the potential for A.I.-generated art to be recognized and accepted in the art world, and the impact it could have on how we view and create art.
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